If your organisation has created an individual led template and you have been assigned a manager, you can complete an overview statement with your manager.
Creating an Overview Statement record
From the left-hand navigation menu select *Overview Statements. You'll see any existing statements your manager may have written along with several filters to sort them.
In the top right-hand corner select Create Overview Statement.
You can have multiple line managers in BlueSky, so use the drop down to select the relevant manager.
Select the template you wish to use from the list, if there is more than one, then select Create.
Work your way through completing the templates fields. When you reach the bottom you'll notice the completion checkbox.
If you're not quite ready to send it to your manager just select Save to create a draft that you can return to. If you're all done and want to get your managers response, check the box and select Save.
This will notify your manager, allow them to read through and respond directly to you on the record.
That's it! You'll get notified when they respond but you can always check by heading back into Overview Statements and checking it's status.
*Overview Statements is BlueSky's default feature name, however, your organisation may have renamed this using the Customisation feature.