Whether you just want to record Mid and End of Year Reviews or you want to record coaching, wellbeing or development based check-ins and meetings, your organisation can create any number of custom templates for use in the Overview Statements area.
BlueSky provides a default template for appraisal based meetings, this template can be linked to the user's objectives, provides pay recommendation and pay scale information. Alternatively, your organisation may have created a bespoke template. Here we're going to run through how to create a record such as a meeting, Mid or End of Year Review.
Preparing for the meeting
The individuals you manage, have the opportunity before meeting with you, to review their own Objectives and add any relevant content or evidence including any commentary on their performance to date.
To review their Objectives and associated evidence you can choose to view them two ways.
- Head into your Manage tab
- Select Objectives from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select the title of the first objective you wish to review
- Here you can review the full content of the objective. On the right, lower hand side you see Evidence that may have links to documents or other records such as CPDs or Observations.
Underneath the objective content, you can review any comments or dialogue the individual has left. If you would like to respond you can do so here using the Notes Section
Creating your statement
The second option for reviewing the individual’s objectives comes when you are either preparing your statement or creating it during the meeting.
- Remaining in Manage select Overview Statements from the left-hand menu
- Select Create Overview Statement in the top right corner
- Find the individual from the dropdown list. If you manage a high number of individuals you can begin typing the name into the field and it will autocomplete your selection
- We're going to use BlueSky's default template here but your organisation may have other templates. Select the template that is correct for you at this point
- Select Create
- Anything marked with an asterisk is a required field. Select the relevant statement Type to begin. This will pre-populate the title but you can either amend or retain this
- Enter your Title and select the Academic Year the statement is for. If you are writing a mid-year it will be the current academic year, if you are writing an End of Year you may need to select the previous year depending on when you are creating your statement
- Now you can review and select the relevant objectives. Select Show Details next to the year the objectives would have been completed, to reveal them
- Simply select View next to the objective you wish to review, this will open in a new tab then simply close the tab and come back to select it or view others
- Complete the remaining fields
- At this stage, you can click on Save and you will be able to return to it at a later time. This may be required if you need to reflect on the meeting or you have asked the individual to provide additional evidence
- If you are happy with the statement and wish to submit it, mark the checkbox Mark this overview statement as complete and then click Save
- Until the completion checkbox is marked, the individual will not receive a copy and will not be able to respond to it
That's it, then simply repeat for any other individuals you manage