Hopefully you've come here from Part 1, if not head back and find out how to create form fields, especially if you're new to this feature.
Creating your templates
Now you have built your form fields you can bring them together, with any BlueSky default options if you wish, and create a new template.
If not already, head to Admin > Templates and now select Overview Statements* from the sub-menu.
Here is where your templates will sit and where you can decide whether to turn off BlueSky's default, once you've published a custom one.
- Select Create Overview Statement Template in the top right-hand corner
- To begin with, you need to name your template i.e. 1-1 Meeting or Wellbeing Check-in
- Next, you can optionally set the Title for all records using this template. This isn't fixed and can be updated by the user but if you'd like to provide users with something pre-populated and uniform you can
- Again, optionally, you can pre-select and populate the statements Type. Unless you've already added some custom types you may wish to go and add these and then come back. The defaults we provide are Meeting, Mid-Year Review, End of Year Review and Unspecified
- Now you can choose whether users objectives can be linked to the statement. This is particularly useful if the statement is around development, appraisal or progress but again is optional
- Lastly, you can choose whether the Primary User can add/make pay decisions and notes against this statement. This is built into our default template for meetings capturing the end of year review for example
- Once you've set up the base of your template you now need to add in your fields. Select Add Field under the Template Fields heading
- A dropdown will appear containing your fields and BlueSky's default fields. You can select from the dropdown or if correct leave the first one selected
- Each field can be marked as Required, simply check the box to make it required
- Select Add Field again and repeat the process
- Once you have multiple fields selected you can change their position by simply grabbing and dragging the fields using the directional arrows on the right-hand side
- Once you've selected all your fields and you are happy with the template you can choose to Publish it immediately or if you want to review it with a colleague simply press Create
- Now your template is saved and if you chose not to publish straight away you'll find a red label highlighting this on your template preview page
- If unpublished you'll be able to Edit or Delete the template, so when you're ready simply select Edit and tick the Publish? checkbox and press Save. Now your templates are available for use!
Here is the index for a Manager once there is a custom template and BlueSky's default is still switched on.
*Learn more about Customisation of terminology