360 Coaches are created in the Admin area under Users & Groups. If you are not an administrator for your organisation please speak to your BlueSky Lead or get in touch with our team.
Each school will nominate 360 Coach(es). These coaches will monitor the 360 reviews and only sign off and submit them back to the reviewee once they are deemed suitable.
All 360 review requests return to the central coach database. They are not viewed by the individual that requested them until the coach has signed the full ‘cluster’ of reviews off themselves.
- Once you have been assigned 360 Coach status head to the 360 Coach tab
- Here you will see a list of the review ‘clusters’ for each individual that is requesting feedback. The screen will also show their status (whether or not the ‘cluster’ of reviews have been signed off yet)
- Select the standard or framework to view the 360 Request information and whether the chosen reviewers have completed their responses
- Here you are able to see who was asked to be a reviewer, what category they were chosen in and when they started the review
- Click on Aggregated responses to review the graphs and breakdown of the individual's self-review and their peer's opinions. You can drill in further by selecting the dimension title and then further into the statement set
- Once you have viewed the aggregated responses you can decide whether or not to Sign off the 360 review which will submit the answers to the reviewee
- Navigate back or use Return to 360 Review overview and select Sign off 360 Review
- It will default to today's date but should you wish to set up the release ahead of time you can forward date it. You can also 'un-do' the sign off by returning here later and setting the date in the future should you need to
- Press Save and a green confirmation banner will appear
- Now the individual can view the aggregated feedback