In this guide we will cover:
The three routes an objective can be set
The rights and permissions surrounding the ownership, approval and editing of the objective
Generally speaking, whoever creates the objective has ownership and therefore editing rights. The only exception to this is in the case of an admin-led objective which is created on behalf of an individual user. Ownership (and therefore editing rights) is then handed over to the individual.
Creating *objectives can be achieved in several ways. To match best practices within BlueSky, Scenario 1 outlines the standard process for creating and managing objectives.
Below we have outlined other possible scenarios and who gains ownership and editing rights depending on the objectives initial creation. If an individual is unable to edit or approve an objective it may be due to its initial creation.
Standard Scenario 1
- The USER creates it and has ownership
- The MANAGER approves it
- The USER has editing rights
- The USER has to complete
- The MANAGER validates
Alternate Scenario 2
- The MANAGER creates it and has ownership
- The USER has to approve it
- The MANAGER has editing rights
- The USER still retains completion rights
- The MANAGER validates
Alternate Scenario 3
- If ADMIN create it for the USER, the USER is given ownership
- The USER has editing rights
- The MANAGER approves it
- The USER completes it
- The MANAGER validates it
*objectives are BlueSky's default name for Objectives, however, you may have chosen to rename these to Targets, Goals or one of the other options available in our terminology bank.