In this guide we'll cover:
1. What forms of evidence can you add to your objectives?
2. How to add evidence to your objectives
1. What forms of evidence can you add to your objectives?
You can choose to upload any physical files as evidence. This may include certificates, photos of student work, planning exemplars etc. The file size must not exceed 200 MB for each piece of evidence you upload.
You can also choose to upload web based evidence. This give you the opportunity to evidence that exceeds 200 MB if necessary. This may include video or audio recordings, as well as cloud based text documents.
2. How to add evidence to your objectives
a. Click on Objectives from the left hand navigation.
b. Find the objective you wish to add evidence to. Use the filters on the right hand side to find objectives from previous academic years.
c. Click on the blue 'Manage Evidence' button.
d. Use the Documents and Links tabs to toggle between uploading a physical file, or pasting in a URL for a web based document.
e. Use the choose file button to find a physical document, or paste the URL into the website address box as appropriate.
f. Add a label to clearly identify what the evidence is.
g. Click on the blue button.
h. Use the Return to Objective link, or select Home to return to your dashboard