In this guide we will cover:
1. The value of adding notes to objectives
2. How to add notes to an objective as an Admin
1. The value of adding notes to objectives
The notes function allows you to hold ongoing collaborative dialogue throughout the appraisal cycle. Notes can be added and seen by the individual, their line manager(s) and those with admin rights.
It can be useful to add notes to an objective as an admin to provide individuals, or their line manager(s) with support. For example, those with admin permissions may be able to identify time, resources or cover in order to support the individual towards successful completion. Since both the individual and their line manager will be notified of the note, an ongoing dialogue between all parties can be facilitated.
2. How to add notes to an objective as an Admin
a. Select Admin from the top navigation
b. Select Reports from the left hand navigation
c. Find the Objectives Report*
d. Change the report parameters to reflect the dates / academic year, the staff and the information you wish to report on
e. Scroll to the bottom of the page and ensure that the Print View Link box is ticked
f. Click on the Submit button. The report opens in a new tab
g. Find the objective you wish to add a note to
h. Scroll to the right hand side and click on 'View' in the Print View Link column. The objective opens in a new window
i. Populate the Notes field and click the blue button to save. A green confirmation banner will appear. Click outside the objectives window to close.
* This terminology is customisable. Your organisation may refer to this report as the Target, Goal or Enquiry Question Report
Click here to access further support on running the Objectives Report