In this guide we will cover how to
Create a quality assurance record*
How to submit a draft quality assurance record
* Whilst referred to as quality assurance in this guide, you organisation may use alternative terminology such as monitoring or observation
To create a quality assurance record:
- Click on quality assurance from the left hand navigation bar (remember, the feature name may vary in your organisation)
- Choose the appropriate form from the list.
- To create a record directly into BlueSky click on create. There is also an option to download a PDF if you wish to.
- Set visibility. We'd recommend leaving this set as visible. Should you set the visibility to private, line managers and senior managers will not be able to view the record. Please note - you are unable to change the visibility once this has been set
- Select the name whose work you are quality assuring.
- If this is a joint QA activity you can add the additional colleague in the ‘With’ box.
- Enter the date of the QA activity
- Add the focus. The text in the focus box will act as the title for this QA activity.
- If you wish, you can align the activity to the organisation's objectives, and if relevant to any objectives that are assigned to groups such as departments or key stages.
- Navigate through your form to add the necessary detail. Forms are built by your organisation who determine the comment fields, scales and tick boxes that are built into each one.
- Click save. Clicking save without submitting saves the record as a draft - the form is editable and is not yet visible to the person who you are providing feedback to.
- Once you're ready to submit your form, navigate back to the record, click on edit and scroll to the submit tick box at the bottom of the screen. The form will now be sent to the individual whose work was quality assured.
Please note that once submitted, you are unable to return the form to draft, edit or to delete it and the feedback will remain with the individual you observed. BlueSky can edit the record on your behalf, change the visibility and can delete the record for you, but are unable to return the form to draft.