This area allows you to review organisation details such as Name, Address, Authority Grade and Logo. It also provides several options to turn on additional feature settings for your organisation.
- Select your Admin tab from the top menu
- Select Details & Settings from the left-hand navigation menu
- Here you're able to review the current details and settings for your organisation
We've usually done this all for you, but if you want to update any details, simply select Edit Details. Here you can review and update;
- Description: This is commonly used to describe or introduce your organisation in more detail.
- Address and Details: Postal address, contact information, organisation phase and type.
- Organisation Logo: Simply upload your organisation's logo. This will appear in the BlueSky community when searched for and within your Details page.
Don't forget to press Save if you have made any amendments.
- Select Manage Settings
- There are 7 tabs that allow you to customise your settings. From adjusting your organisations Academic Year to Professional Objective reminders for appraisal.
- Academic Year
By default, your academic year and filters around the application are set from September to August. However, if your cycle runs from October or January for example, adjusting the start month of your Academic Year allows you to change the filters and defaults across the application. This will also then reflect your performance cycles. - Overview Statements
Depending on whether you are recording Pay Scale information in BlueSky (tab 3 and user details) your first option is to make this visible to line managers when they create Overview Statements.Overview Statements are available to line managers only and are used to record meetings such as End of Year Reviews. Due to the optional ability to make a ‘Pay Recommendation’ making the individual’s pay scale(s) available would allow them to make an informed decision on whether they can or should may a recommendation. Visibility to Pay Scales and Overview Statements is limited to your Primary User i.e. Headteacher and those given explicit permission who may manage performance management or HR.
Your second option here is to create custom Overview Statement Types. In addition to the BlueSky defaults; Meeting, Mid-Year Review, End of Year Review and Unspecified, you are able to create your own statement 'Types' for any purpose such as recording confidential meetings around Pay Progression, Termly Reviews or Coaching Meetings.
Simply select Add another Overview Statement Type, enter the name/label and when you're ready press Save all settings. - Payspines
The primary feature here is the ability to add any additional or bespoke pay scales for your organisation. BlueSky provides a vast list of default scales on ranges such as M, L, U and TLR but if you have additional or perhaps half-point scales you can add them here.Add in your custom pay spines comma-separated (e.g. A1, B2, C3)
- Areas of Expertise
If your organisation has expertise or staff who have expertise in particular fields and areas of Education, here is where you can assign these labels from a vast collection. This information is then searchable and visible to other organisations in the BlueSky community. Designed to help connect and share best practice across organisations, whether they are in your area or across the world. - Reminders
Each individual's Professional Objective, used predominantly for Appraisal, has a ‘Date agreed objective will be met’ this simple check box enables automatic reminders to be sent to staff 3 weeks and then 1 week before the completion date.
If the objective has been marked as Complete prematurely then reminders will not be sent. - Grade Scale
Similarly to pay scales you are able to apply a Grade to staff members, this grade is representative of your Inspection or Authority grade. Here you can choose the Grade Scale that applies to your organisation.
These are available to all subscribed organisations, so they cannot be bespoke, however, if we have missed an authority or inspection scale get in touch with our team who can add it. - Tab Visibility
Although not recommended in general practice* for some organisations or particular groups of users, not all of BlueSky’s features are required. Here you are able to ‘hide’ or ‘show’ certain modules from staff.*for truly effective use and value for money we recommend that all tabs are left visible.
If you decide to hide any tabs, they are hidden for all users in your organisation. Should you wish to restrict visibility to particular groups, please use the tab visibility found in Group creation.