Everyone has the same access in BlueSky to start with, however, if you have additional responsibilities or manage certain processes or individuals in your organisation there are additional features and permissions you might need.
Here we're going to cover assigning Admin permissions and CPD Team permissions. Reports can only be assigned by the Primary User, which you can read about in our Admin and Reporting Permissions article. You'll also find more information on the admin permissions referenced here there too!
Assigning Admin Permissions
You'll need to have been assigned the Users & Groups area in order to assign permissions. If you don't have this option speak to the BlueSky lead in your organisation or get in touch with our team.
- Select Users & Groups from the left-hand navigation menu.
- Search for or simply select the name of the individual you need.
- Scroll down slightly and under Organisation Groups you'll see Admin Permissions. Select Edit Organisation Admin Permissions button on the right-hand side. If they have any permissions already they'll be listed for you to review.
- You can select all or check each required permission individually. If you have a large administrative team where individuals are responsible for particular areas you can simply provide them with one or two areas each. You can have as many administrators as you need, however, we do recommend keeping this number limited in order to limit errors.
- We have flagged the permissions where personal, pay or appraisal-related data will be visible. You'll need to check with your Primary User if you're not sure whether you can or should assign these permissions.
- Once you've made your selection press Save.
- It will ask you to review your selection and to confirm press Save again.
If you're building a team of leaders and administrators, head to Reports and run the Admin and Report Permissions Report once you've mapped everyone, to review who has what permissions.
Creating your CPD Team
Whether it's a team of 2 or 10 managing your organisation's professional learning and development, you can build a team to manage the process of requests, budgets and training needs.
Remember the groups you created? You can use these to limit the number of requests certain CPD Team members have to process. For example, a Head of Department can manage the requests for their department's members.
If you haven't created groups yet or need to add more head to Users & Groups: Groups to set them up now.
- First, let's head back into Users & Groups if not already there.
- Search for or simply select the name of the individual you need.
- Scroll down and underneath Admin Permissions you'll see CPD Team. Select Edit CPD Team Access on the right-hand side.
- There are two levels of access;
- View & Comment
- View, Comment & Make final decision
- They are self-explanatory but the important difference is the decision making. This level of access allows the individual to Approve or Decline CPD requests and if not, the individual can only view and comment on the request. There need's to be at least one individual in your team with the decision level access.
- If you have a large team or individuals who have particular responsibilities in the CPD process, you can input their position title here. This is not a required field but can be helpful in identifying responsibilities.
- Lastly, you can Restrict Access to specific groups or allow them access to all users in your organisation. Select Restricted to specific Groups of Users and check beside the relevant groups.
- Press Save.
- You can scroll down on the user's account page and review what you set.
Just like Admin permissions, once you've built your team you can run the CPD Access Report and ensure everything's covered. You can also jump back to their access settings if you need to make a change.