School Development Plan, Academy Improvement Plan, Organisation Priorities...
...whichever name your organisation's given it, BlueSky ensures everyone's professional records can link to your team or organisation's plan.
Here we'll show you how you can quickly get your plan into BlueSky and get staff linking their records straight away.
Building your plan
Don't forget to grab your plan so you can copy and paste the text to input into BlueSky.
- In Admin, select Organisation Objectives from the left-hand navigation menu.
- There are two levels that make up the structure of your plan;
- Organisation Priority - this is the overall heading of the area of improvement or focus.
- Organisation Objective - this is the action and detail that make up the content of its parent priority.
- Select New Organisation Priority in the top right corner.
- Complete the Name field with your priority area and press Save. This is commonly based on inspection criteria such as Quality of Education or Leadership and Management.
- If your plan's focus areas are unlikely to change then it is recommended not to date them, however, if you wish to clarify when the plan is relevant for you can add the period to your priority i.e. Teaching & Learning 2021/22 or apply it at the objective level.
- Select the name of the priority you have just created to enter the second level.
- Select New Organisation Objective in the top right-hand corner.
- Copy and paste or type in the name field your action (objective) text. You only need a single action here. We'll add the rest by repeating this process until the priority is complete.
- Only select groups if you would like to restrict who has access to these objectives. If they are intended for all staff, leave unselected. You can create a team or department plan separately, then restrict it to the relevant team at that point.
- Press Save then repeat for the remaining actions under the relevant priority.
Once complete, individuals can view it and link their professional records, showing they are working toward the goals outlined in the plan.
Archiving Organisation Objectives
As your targets and priorities change from one academic year to the next, or with changes from results and outcomes, you will need to add your new objectives and archive the existing ones. This will ensure staff are only linking and referencing the latest organisation priorities. You will still be able to see the archived objectives linked to any professional records through the various reports.
- When appropriate, simply head back to Objectives in Admin and select the priority name which has expired itself or holds expired objectives.
- If you need to archive the entire priority, use the Archive All Organisation Objectives button in the top right corner.
- Then select Return to Organisation Priorities and you'll notice the Active selector is now available for that priority.
- Simply uncheck the active mark and that's it. The objectives and the priority are now archived and available under Archived Organisation Priorities.