Review, manage and approve learning and development requests across your organisation or specific groups of staff
The CPD Team is created by providing individuals with one of two levels of access where they can either View & Comment or View, Comment & Make final decisions. Check out our guide on Creating your CPD Team if your organisation doesn't have a team yet.
Your daily digest email provides details of any requests that have come through on a daily basis in addition to your notifications area. Users who manage CPDs have reported more effective and efficient management when using their daily digest to review and process requests.
Managing CPD Requests
- Select CPD Team from your navigation menu.
- Your CPD Team index provides multiple filters and sorting options including:
- Context CPD Activity Types
- Approval and Completion Status
- Training Event
- Sort and Order By (User, Activity Date or Newest and Oldest)
- By default, you'll always see any Pending requests for the current academic year in order of Newest to Oldest.
- This account has View, Comment & Make final decision access. If you have View & Comment the only difference will be the checkboxes and Sign Off option.
- If there are multiple requests for the same activity or perhaps from the same team you can select multiple activities and sign them off in bulk.
- If you need to check the details of the request click on the CPD Activity name and enter the record.
- Now you can review the request details, any cost or cover requirements and then decide whether to approve or decline.
- When you're ready to make a decision select CPD Team Approval from the Actions panel on the right.
- Select Approve or Decline and enter a reason for your decision.
- Whether you approve or decline it will create a note on the record with the decision and your comments. If you have declined it for budgetary or timetabling reasons, you can Update CPD Team Approval once and if any circumstances change.
The individual along with any other members of the CPD team (with access) are notified when comments and decisions are made so they can immediately respond or take action where required.