You will need to have been granted admin permission to Users & Groups. If you do not have this and require it, please speak to your organisation's BlueSky lead or get in touch with our team.
Easily create a team to manage and process any learning and development requests submitted by users in your organisation.
Assigning CPD Team Access
- Head to Admin and select Users & Groups from the left navigation menu.
- Using the search feature or scrolling down depending on their name, locate the individual you wish to assign the access to.
- Select the individual's name to enter their user details page.
- Scroll down and just beneath Admin Permissions you'll see CPD Team. Select the Edit CPD Team Access button on the right-hand side.
- There are two levels of access you can provide:
- View & Comment i.e. Booking, Cover, Finance
- View, Comment & Make final decision i.e. CPD Lead or Department Manager
- Select the level of access and if applicable or relevant you can apply their specific team title i.e. CPD Coordinator
- Once you've selected a level Restrict Access will appear. This allows you to provide access for managing all staff or specific groups of staff. If providing team or department managers access, for example, you would restrict to that particular group allowing multiple individuals to manage approval rather than one or two*.
*who and how many individuals are given access is down to your organisation's individual process and procedures.
- Once you're happy simply press Save and you can see their access and any restriction on their details page.
- Repeat the process for any other team members. If you want to review the team as a whole you will need the CPD Team Access Report. The report is a separate permission your Primary User can assign you or get in touch with our team to find out more.