SE (Self Evaluation) requires a framework and forms to be created by your organisation's administrator. If no forms are available, please speak to your organisation's BlueSky lead or get in touch with our team.
In this module, you can capture data from a range of activities such as lesson visits, work sampling, pupil and staff voice and leadership and management reviews. The data collected can be reported on by individual form or aggregated across proforma to provide baseline evidence for your judgements against the overarching aspects of the chosen framework (e.g. Quality of Education).
Creating SE Records
- Select Self Evaluation from the left-hand navigation menu.
- Select Create SE Record in the top right-hand corner.
- Click the create icon to the right of the form you wish to use.
Choosing to create a Private/Confidential record will make the record only visible to you and the reviewee. It will not be reportable.
- Complete the required and optional fields. When selecting the Reviewee, they will need to be linked to a Group. If the individual chosen is not part of a group it will notify you to get in touch with your organisation's administrator.
- If you do not need or want to complete any of the additional fields, Press Save.
- If not, complete the additional fields and press Save at the foot of the page.
- The forms response fields will now be available to complete. Work through selecting the appropriate response for each statement. Move to the next criteria, if applicable, until complete.
- You can add any notes per criteria using the Note section.
- Once all statements have been responded to, select Overview of responses.
- Here you can see a summary chart across the aspect i.e. Quality of Teaching. Select the aspect to reveal the breakdown of your responses and if require select Update your responses from the right-hand Actions panel.
- If you need to edit any of the record details, such as Reviewee or to add a Benchmarker, select Edit record.
- Now complete any Strengths, Areas for Development and your Summative Evaluation Statement where required.
- Selecting Save will save the record in a draft state but it will not submit it to the individual. If you're happy and do not need to review it any further, select Submit.
Once submitted you will not be able to amend or delete the record and it will be visible to the individual you are evaluating.
- Whether it's saved or submitted you can Manage evidence and upload any relevant documents or links to the record for the reviewee.
- The individual will receive a notification of its submission and have the opportunity to respond through a Reviewee Comment.