Flood filling objectives to staff can be useful for setting guided objectives based on the organisation’s improvement plan, and for reducing staff workload.
In this guide we will cover:
How to set admin led (flood-filled) objectives
Editing rights and permissions for admin led objectives
How to delete admin led objectives
1. How to set admin led (flood-filled) objectives
Creating your Flood Fill
Objectives will appear to individuals in the order of most recently created. If you are numbering or wish to order your objectives in a particular way, the first objective you flood fill should always be the one you want to appear last. i.e. Objective 3 should be created before Objective 1 so Objective 1 is the most recently created.
Head into your Admin area and select Flood Fill from the left-hand navigation menu.
Select Objectives from the expanded sub-menu.
Now you can select individuals, groups of individuals or select all.
- Scroll down slightly and select Next step.
- We're using BlueSky's default form here, however, you may have customised your form's field labels. On the right-hand side, you can review the selected individuals.
- If you need to amend the individuals selected, press back in your browser, make any changes and press Next step to move forward again.
- Begin filling out the fields with your objective content.
- The first field is the only required field, so if you don't have any further content yet or staff need to complete this just set this field and the date range.
- When you're happy with it, scroll down and press Next step.
Depending on whether your organisation has added any organisation objectives yet (school improvement or action plans), you will now have the opportunity to link these professional objectives to one or multiple actions from the organisation's objectives.
- Make any relevant selections and press Save.
- That's it, all the individuals you selected will now have an objective in their account. Simply select Create new objective in the top right corner to do the next or head off to your next task.
2. Editing rights and permissions for admin led objectives
To prevent complications caused by multiple editing rights, flood filled objectives can only be edited by the member of staff they were assigned to.
In your role as admin you are unable to edit, and as such we encourage you to double check details before saving a flood filled objective.
Should the individual need to edit the objective they can do within their own BlueSky portfolio via the objectives module in the Home area.
3. How to delete admin led objectives
Deleting an objective
In Admin we provide Objectives added via flood fill so you can delete any records you need to. Just be aware that if you didn't notice the error immediately or you're coming back to this a week or months later, individuals may have customised their objectives.
TIP - Run the Professional Objectives Report to check if any objectives have been customised or had evidence added before deleting any flood filled records.
- In Admin, select Objectives from the left-hand navigation menu.
- Select Objectives added via flood fill from the expanded sub-menu.
- Search using the description field, filter by individual or use the Start Date or Created dates to sort records.
- Check the box next to the record(s) you wish to delete and press Delete selection.
- If you're doing a large number of records, you will need to do this per page and can use the select all check box at the top.