If you have followed our Projects articles in order, you will have now created a Project, created a Discussion and initial comment, and potentially added and managed your first Resources.
Now you can add in colleagues as members and start sharing your ideas and resources.
You may have chosen to add members when you created the project so those invites will be available to manage in your Members area.
Invite, Manage and Change Ownership
Select the Members tab within your project.
Here you will see any existing invitations along with any members (if applicable)
Select Invite Member and then begin typing in colleagues' names. It needs a minimum of 3 characters to activate the search.
Select the individual and then you can search for another colleague and repeat. Press Invite members to send their invitations.
At any point, should you have invited an individual you didn't mean to you can Revoke Invite. Once members, should you wish to remove anyone you need to Deactivate their membership.
Transferring Ownership
Whether you were just setting this up for a colleague or you just want to hand off ownership to someone else, once an individual is a member they can be transferred ownership. This would enable them the ability to Revoke, Deactivate and Update, Mothball or Hide the project itself.
Locate the colleague from your members list or use the search if you have a large number of members. Then press Request New Project Owner beneath their details. It will generate a confirmation box so press Ok if you are sure.
The individual will be notified and has to accept ownership before the transfer is complete.
As the original creator, you will then become a standard member. At this point, you can choose to remain or you can deactivate your own membership.