Create, Edit and View PLPs
Learning Plans can be created to discuss learning needs prior to and in support of any formal CPD request or appraisal. PLPs are visible to any managers connected to you and your organisation's administrators.
Select PLP from the left-hand navigation menu.
On your index page you can:
- View any existing learning plans
- Create a new PLP
- View and Message members of the CPD team within your organisation.
Create PLP
- Select Create PLP in the top right-hand corner
- Enter your Learning Need and then select your Type and Content options. Type and Content are required in order to create the record.
- Complete any further relevant fields and scroll down where you can view and select appropriate organisation objectives or link the PLP to your existing personal objectives.
- Select Save
Manage, View and Edit
Once created or should you wish to revisit existing PLPs, simply select the Learning Need from the index to enter the learning plan.
Here you will find Edit and Delete under the actions on the right-hand side.
Scrolling down you'll find a notes section for any self-reflection, evidence comments or dialogue with your manager.
Learning Plans can be used and linked to Objectives as a form of evidence, however, learning plans themselves cannot have evidence uploaded to them.
If you are a manager and wish to view an individual's learning plans, head to Manage and then select PLP from the left-hand navigation menu.
You will see a list of the individuals you are connected to along with their learning plans listed in order of their creation.
To review the learning plan and contribute any comments or notes, simply select the Learning Need to enter the record.
Should you manage a large number of users or you are looking for plans in a particular period, don't forget your Manage Reports and the Proposed Learning Plan Report available here.